The UNCTAD TrainForTrade Port Management Program supports port communities in achieving efficient and competitive port management. To promote international trade and foster economic development, the program creates port networks that bring together public, private, and international entities. The goal is to share knowledge and experience among port operators, and to strengthen talent management and human resources development in port communities.
Topics covered by the eight modules include:
National outreach efforts focus on empowerment and sustainability. The program operates in four language networks (English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish) across Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Training in beneficiary ports is delivered by local instructors from the port community certified by UNCTAD, with support from UNCTAD experts and partner ports of the program. Senior port officials from participating ports are trained as local instructors to ensure the program’s sustainability and ownership. Partner ports of the program include:
Hebel Mwasenga (Tanzania Ports Authority):
“The TrainForTrade program is bringing ports worldwide into a community where information becomes energy and tools for the development and modernization of our ports.”
North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation, both regional and international, for knowledge exchange based on SDG 17.
Partnerships have been developed with European ports that share their knowledge and experiences through the UNCTAD Port Management Program’s language networks with port communities in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Annual regional meetings bring together port officials from different countries, promoting the exchange of experiences and knowledge.
Cobertura del Programa de Gestión Portuaria: 60 Paises
Best Practices in Development Cooperation.
Every year, the Port Management Program organizes a coordination meeting attended by all member ports of the Spanish-speaking network, including partner ports. During this meeting, all activities and events organized by the program throughout the year are evaluated. Best practices and areas for improvement for future editions of the Modern Port Management course are identified. The plan for the following year’s activities is jointly defined, and the commitment of both member ports and partner ports to continue the program is reaffirmed, ensuring its sustainability.
Contribution Schemes
Based on the principle of cost-sharing and to ensure the sustainability of the network, each active member of the Port Management Program allocates the necessary financial resources to cover the implementation and execution of national activities. In addition to the annual membership fee, each port community member of the network must allocate the necessary resources to ensure the normal execution of activities, including logistics, transportation, communication, participation, and training missions.
“New Approach for Successful Businesses”
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