
Headquarters of Multinational Companies

Panama, as a model country for development and growth in Latin America, is an excellent place to establish international service and product companies.

Maritime Policy Bureau specializes in paperwork so that the positioning of your company in Panama is a fast and fluid procedure, and that you can focus on planning the operation and consolidation of your company in the country.

We put at your disposal a special regime for international companies created by Law No. 41 of 2007, amended by Law No. 57 of 2018, with the aim of attracting investment from large international companies and that they are interested in settling and operate from Panama.

In this way, the Headquarters of Multinational Companies known as SEM companies are born, in order to guarantee the success of the operations of the companies that are installed in Panama, putting a solid economy as a platform and the use of the US dollar as currency of national circulation.

Panama made changes to its tax regime, registration of corporations and the legal structure of multinational companies in order to comply with the parameters of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). All this guarantees compliance with the highest international standards when installing your company in Panama.

The privileged geographical position of Panama is unique, added to a safe and competitive financial center; a Free Zone considered the second largest in the world; and an expanded Canal where a large percentage of world trade transport transits, which together with our port, airport and logistics system consolidate the Hub of the Americas, are the ideal platform for the success of your company, under the advice and guidance of Maritime Policy Bureau.


The Financial Coordination Council indicates that the main characteristic of the Panamanian economy is its banking monetary system, which rests on the use of the United States of America dollar as current currency and the existence of a banking system connected to the rest of the world.

The foregoing allows generating opportunities to integrate into the financial system in modalities of: banks, securities companies, pension funds, insurance companies, cooperatives, financial companies, leasing companies and other without number of activities that represents 8.0% of Panama’s GDP.

Continuous Training

One of the main factors that affect the development and growth of companies is human capital, without a doubt technological innovation is a challenge that all companies face to one extent or another.

Preparing human capital to face these challenges, keeping them informed of trends in economic sectors and developing new skills is essential to compete with high standards.


Panama has based its development on the services sector, of which its maritime and logistics conglomerate is relevant and preponderant, reaching high levels of specialization, based on financial support and infrastructure incentives provided by the Government and the efficiency of the service provided by the private sector.

It is one of the most promising markets for development, with a Connectivity Index (LSCI) of 56.6 points. However, the concept of efficiency and economies of scale leads to planning and controlling the flows and storage of goods from different points and origins and destinations; all this management is subject to design and continuous improvement.

Cruises and Ferries

The cruise market is booming; For Panama, a new opportunity opens up not only to exploit the business in the Atlantic sector, but also to explore connectivity with the Pacific; or the generation of new routes. What opens a range of innumerable business options, which with the right advisors, are guaranteed successes.

The ferry market is a new industry, which is only in one sector of the region. Therefore, it is an opportunity to develop, to directly impact traffic and the quality of life in certain regions.

Renewable Energy

A country’s energy network determines the strength of its economy. For this reason, MPB has a special research section on energy markets and how they impact economies worldwide.

The development of tax incentive programs tends to promote the development of a country’s energy market; However, it is not enough, it is important in offering a diversification of energy power through the generation, construction, operation and maintenance of companies that use or transform matter to produce energy.

Our firm has a qualified team of lawyers, financial analysts and business administration specialists who offer advice, guidance, dynamic and creative solutions to corporations interested in developing innovative energy activities.

Our service includes, among other matters, legal advice on the development and operation of energy projects; advice on due diligence processes for the acquisition or financing of projects; negotiating the sale, acquisition, merger or joint venture of energy projects; the negotiation of energy supply contracts, and connection contracts with distributors; advising on bidding processes and concession of use for the construction of energy projects and contract negotiation.

Logistics and Special Zones

Those special segregated areas that have a variety of fiscal, migratory and labor incentives with the main objective of developing different types of activities and promoting international trade, manufacturing production and complementary services are known as International Logistics Centers.

In Panama, the existing international logistics centers are the Colon Free Zone, the Panama Pacific Area, the City of Knowledge and the different existing Free Zones which have a special regime covered by Law 32 of April 5, 2011.

On the other hand, the logistics parks of the Republic of Panama have been developed by both national and international investors, located at strategic points in reference to proximity and communications to ports, airports and special economic zones.

Among the main logistics parks, the following can be highlighted: Manzanillo International Terminal (MIT) Logistics Park, Costa del Este Industrial and Commercial Park, South Park, Panama Logistics Park, Global Business Terminal, Las Americas Industrial Park, Panama Distribution Center, Parque Industrial Corredor Norte Mile 8, Vacamonte Logistics Park, Ofibodegas.


Strategically important economic activity aimed at integrating trade and resources; with sustainability and competitive intelligence in order to generate load based on the pillars of social equality and protection, based on the country’s development plans.

Panama’s economic growth prospects find a favorable international environment, at least in the medium term, according to economic and trade reports issued by the World Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the World Organization for Trade (WTO).

With regard to the maritime industry, Fich Ratings considers that it has reached the peak of its cycles and the oversupply of tonnage has led to a drop in freight rates, pressuring shipping companies for new alliances and acquisitions. Even so, all indicators point to sustained growth in the global economy and trade.

Panama has a well-positioned, modern port system that is the best developed in Latin America and the Caribbean, which is why maritime transport is one of the main poles for generating business. Its transshipment ports, bulk terminals, hydrocarbon terminals and the incipient category of Liquefied Natural Gas, are part of the analysis possibilities for any company that wishes to position itself in this sector.

Industrial and Intellectual Property Law

Given the importance that a company’s brand represents for current marketing, as a strategic tool to identify a product or its manufacturer; MPB provides advice to both locals and internationals to provide protection and defense of their rights over intellectual property, understood both in the administrative sphere and before specialized courts in this matter.

Likewise, and in accordance with Panamanian legislation, we are able to make available to you our trademark registration services, products, services, denominations of origin, invention patents, among other aspects contemplated in Law 35 of May 10, 1996. regulated by Executive Decree No. 7 of February 17, 1998.

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