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Floor 7, Office C.

The Experts

Walkyria Pitti Martínez


Lawyer graduated from the University of Panama; she completed a Master in Environmental Management at the Latin American University of Sciences and Technology, receiving the Magna Cum Laude degree of honor.

Member of the National Bar Association and serves as an Environmental Mediator and Conciliator, with suitability issued by the Ministry of Government of the Republic of Panama.

It specializes in investment structuring and asset protection through corporate instruments, providing legal certainty to companies and guiding them in monitoring due diligence processes.

Positions held in Public Administration:

  • Supreme Court of Justice [Corte Suprema de Justicia] – 2006-2009
    Project Coordinating Lawyer in the Maritime Jurisdiction and Antitrust law – Secretariat for Modernization and Judicial Management.
  • Agency for the Panama Pacific Special Economic Area [Agencia Panamá Pacífico] – 2009-2012. Director of the Integrated Procedures System. Legal Advisor in the Investor Attention Department


Jorge Barakat Pitty

Guimara Tuñón Guerra

Yaritza Romero Nelson

Shiara Stevens Kelly

Listen to the new episode of the Podcast:

“New Approach for Successful Businesses”


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