The Experts

Guimara Tuñón Guerra


Guimara Tuñón Guerra has studied Port Management and Logistics; Maritime-Port Administration and Management; as well as Higher Education, Research, Law, and Political Science.

She is currently:

  • President of the PortMujer Network.
  • Chief Operating Officer in Maritime Policy Bureau.
  • Consultant of the Division of Oceanic Affairs and the Law of the Sea of ​​the United Nations, for the development of the Oceanic Governance study of Panama.
  • Part of the Posidonia PORT Collaborative Decision Making implementation project in Puerto Lázaro Cárdenas, Mexico, a project developed jointly with PRODEVELOP /API Lázaro Cárdenas.

She has been a member of the boards of organizations such as the International Association of Ports and Harbors (IAPH), AAPA Latin America, the IAPH Women’s Forum, and the Network of Digital and Collaborative Ports.

She has held various positions in public and private sector institutions in the logistics and port industry.

Jorge Barakat Pitty

Walkyria Pitti Martínez

Yaritza Romero Nelson

Shiara Stevens Kelly

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